Do you use results?

Yes, we use the results of Adventum for our own needs since August 2021. And we manage our stock shares portfolio based on these results. At the same time, the results of Adventum recommendations have been constantly reviewed since May 2021.

Do you have an API for third parties?

No, we do not have the ability to provide an API for our service. It is possible that this option will be added in the future, but not before 2023.

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How does it work?

The principles of work for Stocks and Crypto investment portfolio recommendations are similar (but not identical): Adventum uses Historical Data and Stock Market Data as inputs for the forecast. Before the processing, the input data pass the filtration stage. The goal of this stage is to prevent the Algorithm from the processing: tickers that have… Continue reading How does it work?

Can you provide access to the algorithm?

No, we cannot. The provision of the direct access is not possible due to the following main reasons: Adventum is a commercial recommendation service. The algorithm is the main working tool that brings us income. Giving direct access is equivalent to denying income. This is unacceptable. The provision of access can lead to broad unauthorised… Continue reading Can you provide access to the algorithm?

Is the algorithm well-tested?

Yes, the Adventum algorithm is well tested. And we do not stop this process as well as we continually improve our tests: Adventum has several levels of automated testing of its results: 4 levels for stocks and 3 levels for crypto: Stocks Crypto Backtesting Backtesting Comparison with NASDAQ Algorithmic Testing Algorithmic Testing Real-Life Testing Real-Life… Continue reading Is the algorithm well-tested?

Is it reliable?

We, Adventum, consider our services reliable and trustworthy. Our beliefs are based on the following points: Adventum is based on a state-of-the-art machine learning approach and unique algorithms that are the main value of the product. Adventum has several levels of automated testing of its results: 4 levels for stocks and 3 levels for crypto:… Continue reading Is it reliable?